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Zinc and pregnancy

There are several nutrients needed in maintaining healthy outlook during pregnancy, but what role does zinc play in pregnancy?

Healthy Pregnancy

By Bio Island Nutrition Team

Before, during and after pregnancy we will always hear how important it is to have a healthy and strong body so the baby will have optimal growth and health. There are several nutrients needed in maintaining healthy outlook during pregnancy, but what role does zinc play in pregnancy?

Zinc is an essential nutrient meaning your body can not produce it and must obtain it from food. Zinc plays a role in various enzymatic processes and is important in maintaining structural integrity of proteins and regulating gene expression. 85% of zinc in your body is found in skeletal muscle and bone. The amount of protein in the diet plays a role in how well zinc is absorbed, as zinc will bind to protein. Zinc deficiency may shows signs of impaired growth, impaired immune response, delayed sexual development, skin and eye problems and impaired appetite.


During pregnancy zinc is needed in a small additional amount to the standard daily requirement, as cell division increases, and structural integrity of proteins and gene expression are under consistent development. As these processes are happening more rapidly during pregnancy zinc plays a crucial role in helping it all happen. Allowing the fetus to develop and cell growth to occur smoothly. Low levels of zinc in pregnancy have been linked with reduced birth weight, preterm and post term deliveries and prolonged labor.

Below is the recommended dietary intake for zinc:






8.5 mg/day

10 mg/day


9.0 mg/day

11 mg/day


9.0 mg/day

11 mg/day







9 mg/day

11 mg/day


10 mg/day

12 mg/day


10 mg/day

12 mg/day


Food sources of zinc include:

  • Shellfish and fish
  • Meat and poultry
  • Eggs
  • Dairy products
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Certain vegetables; mushrooms, kale, peas and asparagus
  • Whole grains but zinc is added rather than naturally occurring

Most zinc should be available from diet, but your doctor may recommend an additional supplement to make sure levels are sufficient enough during pregnancy.

The crucial part is to make sure you are having a healthy and varied diet during pregnancy to allow for absorption of all needed nutrients, so you and bub are both healthy and strong during the whole process. Each nutrient will play a vital role and some more than others. But we can see that zinc is important in the DNA and gene expression developing stage which is a vital part in the baby’s journey.

This information does not take into account your personal situation and is general in nature. You should consider whether the information is appropriate for your needs and seek professional medical advice.

Always consult your healthcare professional before taking any supplements or if any concerns arise.